Earl's MulTFill FAQs
Q: Is MulTFill a two-part product?
A: No. MulTFill is ready-to-use. There is no mixing.
Q: Is MulTFill a two-part product?
A: No. MulTFill is ready-to-use. There is no mixing.
Q: What colors are available?
A: MulTFill is available in white only.
Q: How does MulTFill sand?
A: MulTFill contains no acrylics or solvents. It sands very easily, and smoothly. Use a 120 grit sandpaper or finer.
Q: Can it take a colorant?
A. Yes, in the wet state only. Once MulTFill is dry, it will not take a colorant. Always test colorant on filler prior to use. Top coat once dry.
Q: What is the drying time?
A. It depends. MulTFill dries slower compared to Timbermate. Drying time is between 1-3 hours depending upon the weather and depth of the fill. You can speed drying time by using a heat gun. It is non-flammable.
Q: How does it compare to a two-part filler?
A. In addition to being one-part, it has a longer open time and sands easily. It contains no toxins or VOCs like other two-part fillers.
Q: Why does it seem a bit thick?
A: MulTFill is thicker bodied than Timbermate. Dip your putty knife into warm water prior to applying. It will spread easier.
Q: How do I color match?
A: Always match to the color you see when the filler is wet. Wet color of the filler is the final color when top coated.
Q: The product has separated in the jar. Is that normal?
A: Over time, the product will separate. Simply stir and use as directed.
Q: Can it be used in cold climates?
A. Yes. Warm it up and add a couple of drops of water to apply.